Stuff to Know
Call or Email us the appointment form to make an appointment. Walk-in Visits are NOT accepted. You must make an appointment to visit the Allaire library! Please have a list of general topics or specific items you are interested in so we can prepare for your visit.
At catalog of our collections can be found under the catalog tab. We also have a collection of 18th and 19th century books and bibles. If you are looking for something in particular or just curious about a book, give us a call at 732 919 3500 ext 17!
No. We are not a circulating library. To protect our collections we do not allow library or archival material to be removed from the archives. The papers and books you are handling are very old and fragile! If you need photocopies of anything please ask the librarian on staff.
Library Patron Code of Conduct
These rules have been adopted to allow all patrons of the Allaire Village Library to use its facilities and programs in a safe environment that is conducive to study and research in order to protect the rights and safety of patrons, volunteers, and staff. All patrons are expected to respect the rights of others and comply with this code of conduct while on Village property.
The staff reserves the right to interpret this code, to apply it, and to change when necessary.
General Conduct:
Patrons shall respect the rights of all other patrons and staff members at all times and have a quiet, friendly, and respectful enjoyment of library facilities.
Patrons shall not damage or steal library materials or equipment, or in any way destroy or damage library furnishings, walls, equipment, or other library property.
Use of the library undisturbed without threat of harm, interference, or discrimination.
The copyright law of the United States governs the making use of copyrighted material. All patrons are responsible for any infringement of this law.
Patrons should ensure that they do not infringe the copyrights of others and should be aware of how copyright and other intellectual property rights affect their work. Where material has been drawn from the work of others, this must be clearly identified, acknowledged and attributed to the original creator.
Library rules:
Use of the library is by appointment only.
Always wear gloves when touching any material, original documents, or books.
Bags and Backpacks must be left at the door. Patrons can be subjected to bag searches by the staff.
NO food or drink.
Pencils only - NO pens in the library.
Handle all material in the library with respect and care.
The librarian can decide if material is safe for the patron to handle or not, if not safe the librarian will handle the material for the patron.
DO NOT make any marks on documents or books
DO NOT dog-ear any pages, only use paper bookmarks.
DO NOT moisten fingertips to turn pages.
NO material is allowed to be taken out of the library.
Maintain the exact order of material in folders, and folders within boxes
Ask the librarian to get any research material that is needed. DO NOT take anything off of shelves or from drawers.
Keep any material on the table for the librarian to put back.
Report any damages to the librarian.
Use of the library computer is NOT for public use.
Violation of these rules may be cause for a prohibition from future use of the library. Patrons unable or unwilling to abide by the Library Patron Code of Conduct may be asked to leave.